Cold In The Smart City

Norwegian emo band Neighboring Sounds have released their debut LP titled “Cold in the smart city” on October 13, 2023 and is available on all streaming platforms. Vinyl out on Friend Club Records (US), strictly no capital letters (UK), Adagio 830 (DE), Bcore Disc (ES), Lilla Himmel (N), Sound Fiction (N) and Friend of mine records (JPN).

About the band and new LP, Bergen, Norway is a city that has created both dark black metal, Røyksopp, Aurora and Kings of Convenience. With 270 days of rain every year, and seven mountains surrounding the city, it's no wonder that music from here also contains a melancholic touch. This is also the case with Neighboring Sounds. Well-grown men with children who will soon be moving away from home, have dusted off guitars and drums and prepared the equipment boxes to hit the road again. Their new record "Cold in the smart city" is the sound of Scandinavian emo as it sounded from the mid-90s with bands such as Fireside and Starmarket, to such American and European bands as Feverchild and Fiddlehead helping to refresh the genre today. It's a varied record, with both very slow songs, mid-tempo indie songs and songs that are hard and danceable, but the overall tone is characterized by the classic punk theme: a longing for more community and the escape from the cold, smart city. With a line of renowned labels eager to be part of the release as shown above, it's clear that Neighboring Sounds has struck a chord with their unique blend of emotional music and social commentary.

RIYL: Jimmy Eat World, Samiam, Fireside, Starmarket, Elliott, Fiddlehead and Feverchild